帕羅奧圖機場 Palo Alto Airport (PAO) 由帕羅奧圖市政府擁有及運營,該機場是灣區三個機場的備援機場,也是加州最繁忙的單跑道機場之一。 候機庭可供飛行員和遊客使用,同時提供無線上網、座椅和洗手間。 航站樓旁設有車輛停車場,前八小時免費。
San Francisco International Airport (SFO)
San Jose International Airport (SJC)
Oakland International Airport (OAK)
It is interesting that there is a small airport in Palo Alto. Many tiny and cute planes were displayed on September 12. The terminal is the smallest one I have ever seen.