電腦歷史博物館 Computer History Museum, Mountain View


在法國工業化革命的過程中,有紡織業者利用打卡紙來控制紡織的花紋,在機器不需要重新啟動就可以更改紡織的花紋,被認為是可程式化機械式的里程碑. 在後面一百多年間,打卡紙還持續被運用在寫程式或是儲存資料使用。

二戰期間開啟了電腦時代,電子電路,電容,繼電器真空管相繼開發,六零年代早期電晶體取代了真空管成為電腦電路板重要的組件, 功能各異的電腦在這時候如春筍般冒出.電腦的科技的快速進步,在儲存裝置上也從卡帶、磁帶、磁片、硬碟、光碟、記憶體等不斷演變進化.

從BASIC磁片的Apple II、輸入指令的DOS系統、Windows3.1作業系統的電腦、Win 95、Win 98、學校計中的UNIX、實驗室的Untra SPARC工作站、和自己亂裝的Linux.隨著時間的演進這些都已不復可見。

個人行動裝置也大量量產,從很貴很大支的"大哥大"手提電話到PDA,到現在的Smart phone智慧型手機。

The admission is free. We can learn computer history over there and it let me know my history to learn computer. :)

The difference machine

The Babbage machine - Charles Babbage (1791-1871), computer pioneer, designed the first automatic computing engines in 1871

Xerox computer - not copy machine..:). The first time to have an idea of what you print is what you see. That is why the monitor is vertical as it is similar to your letter paper after printing it out. It is the first time to use graphics to control computer.

The first ethernet cable is also developed by Xerox.

The first mouse - why do we call it a mouse? the cursor is a cat at that time so they named it "mouse".

Sun Microsystem - UNIX workstation. Anyone still uses UNIX workstations?

Hard Drive - IBM 1311 so huge size... not capacity. *o*

Router - they are designed by Cisco founders.

personal digital assistant (PDA) - created by palm.

Intel - DRAM wafer. It may be only 2-inch.

Macintosh - The first commercial computer is controlled by GUI. The first time to use it is when I was a freshman in university.

IBM PC - the monitor is Compaq. OS is DOS 3.0. I used DOS 3 before. That will unveil my age. :)

Apple-II The first computer I used when I was an elementary school student. The program I wrote is "fruit bar" by BASIC language then. I am an old guy. :(

Please reserve space for Iphone and Ipad in the future. Then I can speak loudly and proudly: "My 4325/4329 Coex firmware is inside."